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Chidon Online CLasses

You are already enrolled in Chidon, but you want to fully understand the material, and you want help in studying.

Enter: Chidon Online Classes - open for everyone to join and learn from experienced teachers, who will teach through all the material needed to take the test.



- Who will be teaching: Trained & Experienced teachers

- Frequency: Once (and at times twice) a week a class.

- Date: Set day for the class (depending on the grade and gender)

- Time: About 1 hour starting at around 7:30-7:45 PM EST

- Classes are recorded for review after class

- Discount available if out of time zone range to just watch the recordings

Boys & Girls
Grades: 4th - 8th

+ Recordings

1 Hour - Staring:
7:30-45 PM EST

Start: Cheshvan
End: Test 3

Chidon Class Sign Up

“Nachas is to watch your 10 to 14-year-old children diligently study to become knowledgeable in the details and intricacies of the 613 Mitzvos, sometimes even more than their parents”.

Rabbi Chayim Eliyahu Mishulovin,
Portland, OR

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